New Challenges - Quarantined with Babies Week 1

It’s been a week of adjustment, with the influx of many new challenges. I can’t tell you if this has been a successful week or not, but it happened, and it’s mostly done. We’ve never been through anything quite like this, so how should one judge his or her parenting during this time…


I’m experiencing feelings that are difficult to put into words. Is “blah” a good description?  I’m taken aback by the sudden changes that have occurred over the past week, and its direct effects on my life.  I feel unaccomplished: I haven’t put my best foot forward with my responsibilities.  I could’ve done a lot better with making sure Bella completed her daily assignments.  My house is in disarray.  I’m making small mistakes in my work.  A blog post that I wanted to put out last weekend never got published.  I’m feeling a little anxious, because I don’t know how to handle uncertainty. 


Since I’m in my head so much, I figured writing would be a great outlet. 

Week 1 Challenges:

Getting Bella to do School Work at home


Bella is in Prek-4.  Aside from projects assigned here and there, or work to be completed when she has been out sick; she has not really had to do homework on a consistent basis.  With that being said, this is a new challenge for me.

It’s been a juggling act: trying to get MY work done, while keeping Bella focused on HER school lessons, while also keeping my crawling baby boy from putting any and everything in HIS mouth, then fixing meals for varying appetites and tastes, and then picking up after playtime, plus 100 other things ALL DAY LONG. Crazy.     

Monday, I had Bella do a little reading.  Tuesday, my husband went and picked up her school materials, so she was able to do seatwork Tuesday and Wednesday.

In a span of 30 minutes of seatwork, my 5 year old managed to:

  • break her pencil sharpener

  • throw a fit because she couldn’t find her favorite crayon   

  • rush through her writing, so that she could watch TV 

  • keep getting up to go potty

  • ask for a snack, and then refuse it because she’s no longer hungry

  • demand recess every couple minutes, accompanied with folded arms, and a frown

All this just to say, I love my daughter, but BRUH.

Wednesday, I opened an email from Bella’s school teacher, and I was so thankful to see the kids’ daily school routines, which she suggested would help get the kids in school mode - starting with Morning Prayer, and then the days of the week song, and counting.  I can get on board with that. In addition, the teacher will be collecting work, so this will help to keep me and hubby accountable in getting Bella to SAT DOWN and do some work. Next week, we got this…, hopefully lol. 

Full Time with a 10 month old baby

My daily parenting of Joshua right now consists of:

  • Keeping my 10 month old from causing great bodily harm to himself

  • Changing a diaper every other hour

  • Changing clothes/ throwing out clothes that have succumbed to diaper blowouts

  • Bathing and redressing baby, just for him have a bowel movement 20 minutes later

  • Preparing big boy meals (cutting up regular food into tiny pieces) – then watching him closely to make sure he doesn’t choke during his voracious episode

  • Rescuing him in the nick of time from bumping that head on a table, chair leg, or floor

  • Keeping him off of the steps

  • Watching him throw his Gerber blueberry puffs on the floor, and just ignoring it because at least he’s happy

  • Entertaining him and making him laugh

  • Comforting him on those clingy days when the teething is causing him pain

  • Not letting those big ole watery eyes trick me into taking him out of the crib when it’s time to to GO TO SLEEP

All the toys in the world, and my baby would rather play with electrical cords, crawl under the TV set, and lick the couch than play with them.  He is strong, and he is fast.  Everything is a hazard.  I’m not one for keeping a baby in the playpen all day, but I can see why it’s useful. 

Every time I look up from my computer, he’s chewing on something.  I sweep his play areas at least twice a day, and STILL he will discover some microscopic particle to put in his mouth.  Trying to keep a baby safe and germ free all day, while managing everything else is requiring a certain amount of patience that I haven’t had to exhibit before.   

Taking Care of Me

With things going crazy, I’m doing my best to stay sane on the inside. 

Along with caring for the kids and working from home, I’m dealing with some personal disappointments.  I had been planning to put out a blog about pursuing a side hustle, but right now, I’m a little low in spirits regarding that. 

I work full-time, but I am also a part-time musician.  Because of the Coronavirus outbreak, public gatherings have been limited, and I will not be able to play on the weekends.  While, I’ll miss the income of course, and I’ll have to curb some of my spending , I’ll also miss making music, and connecting with others through music.  It’s strange how you don’t realize how much you love doing something, until you can’t do it anymore.  I am saddened by that. I don’t want to complain, because my temporary losses are small in comparison to what many others are facing, but nonetheless it’s a life change that has impacted me in some way.

It’s strange how you don’t realize how much you love doing something, until you can’t do it anymore.

Plans have also changed. My family was looking forward to visiting my husband’s family in Uganda.  That has been postponed, due to Uganda putting a travel ban on the U.S.  It was bittersweet receiving Joshua’s passport in the mail this week.  I know that we will eventually make the trip, but it stings a little because it was so close.

I’m trying to find ways to care for myself while in the house. 

This week I took a nice bubble bath. I practiced my instrument, even though I don’t know when I’ll play next. I sat down and did some writing. Took Bella outside to get some fresh air. Loved on my kids. I counted my blessings.

So, like I said.  Week 1 was one of adjustment, but like anything in life, we will adapt, and we will be just fine! 

How are you guys coping with the quarantine?

Stay safe. Stay home. Wash your hands. Love on your kids, even if they’re kinda, sorta, really driving you nuts.

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