9 Ways to Make the Best of Our Circumstances - Quarantined with Babies Week 2

Everything’s going to be okay.



So last week’s blog post was kind of a downer.  My mind was flooded, and I just needed to vent.  Later that day, I went for a walk with my family, and my mood improved significantly. Improving our moods is what I want to focus on in this post. Finding peace. Remaining calm. Staying sane.

This weekend was a complete turnaround for me, so I want to SHARE some of the things that I did which I feel contributed to a restoration of my mental heath.

1) Get Some Fresh Air


Step outside.  You’ve been in the house all day, breathing “house air,” lol.  Go outside and get some fresh air.  Take a brisk walk.  Sit in your yard if the weather permits.  Let the kids run around in the backyard.  Whatever you do, do not sit inside of the house all day.  It will drive you nuts.   I have about a 2 day max, before I start having fresh air withdrawals.  Yes, I’m being dramatic, but still you get the point. 

When I wrote last week’s blog post, I was not feeling happy at all, but my entire mood improved later that day when I went for a stroll with my family.  Fresh air makes you happy, and helps you to clear your mind. 

2)  Let the Sun Inside

Open the blinds.  Lift up the shades.  Pull back the curtains. Let some light in the house.

Natural lighting does wonders in brightening a space, and helps to lift your spirits.  We are spending a lot of time in our homes these days, and the gloominess of poor lit rooms can make things depressing without us even realizing.    

3)  Get Dressed

“Look good, feel good” has always resonated with me. 

I remember meeting with an academic counselor in college.  She was a beautiful black woman, whom I admired and looked up to very much.   I met with her a couple times a week, and truth be told I was looking rough most of the time... Tired and overwhelmed.  I remember her telling me, to make sure to take at least 3 days a week to put some effort into my appearance, to give my day a positive start.  Taking her advice helped my confidence to soar, and my quality of life on campus improved.   

While it’s easy to get up and lounge around the house all day in in sweats and a t-shirt, try putting some effort into your appearance a few times a week.  Put on some clothes, brush your hair, and fix yourself up how you normally would when leaving the house. With so much going on, a little normalcy is needed.  Also, who, doesn’t like to look cute?

4) Spend quality time with those in the house

If you’re in the house with your family more than usual, take time to do things together and really connect.  I feel much closer to everyone at the start of 2nd week of quarantine, than I did the week before.  Hopefully I won’t have to eat my words a couple weeks from now lol, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Over the weekend:

  1. We had a family movie night.  Popcorn and snacks, and a PG rated movie.

  2. Twice last week, I made big breakfasts, and we ate more meals at the table than we have in a while.  My husband and I even made dinner together one night.

  3. I painted Bella’s nails on Sunday, and she was beaming the entire day.

  4. I pulled out my board games, cards, and puzzles, and somehow ended up playing chess for hours with my husband

  5. Bella did a workout video with me, and surprisingly she got tired before I did lol.

5) Take Space

I know I just said you should spend time with your family, but also take some time to yourself.  Do something for you.

Don’t take it personally if others need space.  I know that my presence is the gift that keeps on giving, but I understand when my husband needs a breather lol.  I don’t think my kids are at an age where they appreciate having space.  They would be happy and willing to be up under me all day, but still as a mom, and as an adult dealing with the craziness of everything, I have to give myself me time.

Go for a walk alone.  Be one with nature.  Do some reading.  Journal. Listen to your favorite music.  Have some hot tea with fresh lemon.  Be kind to yourself. Listen to your favorite podcast – they’re still putting out content!

My personal favorite thing to do right now is taking bubble baths with aromatherapy foam bath.  I’ve been using a Eucalyptus Spearmint one from Bath & Body Works lately, and if it weren’t for my 5 year old coming to “check on me” every 5 minutes, I could definitely fall asleep in the tub.  

6) Enjoy Virtual communication

Connect with your friends.  I really enjoyed face-timing with my friends this week.  My best friend put me on to the Houseparty phone app, and I’m planning a virtual party this weekend lol.  Pick up the phone, and call someone just to see how he or she is doing.  We are all experiencing a range of emotions right now, and could use someone to talk to.  Never underestimate the power of friendship during times like these.  I was speaking to one of my friends last night, and her comment about “not letting quarantine take your joy” was something I absolutely needed to hear.

My manager also said something that made a lot of sense to me.  He was referring to working from home of course, but I think it’s relevant across the board.  Maybe the term “social distancing” isn’t completely correct. We should definitely practice “physically distancing,” but now is the best time to remain social and communicate more. Find ways to show love and connect with others.  We don’t have to go stir crazy alone. Just remember to keep your phone clean. :)

7) Throw yourself at a hobby

Start that blog.  Write that post.  Edit those photos.  Practice your music.  If you’ve ever complained that you’re unable to do something because you’re never home and always on the run, what’s your excuse now? 

I’ve been wanting to write more consistently for this blog for a while now.  I finally feel like presently I can do that, and possibly use this time to make changes that I’ve been wanting to make.  Things that may have been at the bottom of your list of priorities should get a little love during this indefinite time of quarantine. If you truly have been missing out on something you love doing, do it!

8) Declutter and organize  

I hate cleaning.  I have so much stuff, everywhere, all of the time.  I have little kids.  I’m at a point in motherhood where toys on the floor are commonplace.  However, everyone’s mood improves when the house is clean. 

I’m kind of into clichés if you haven’t noticed. I’m here for the phrase “a clear space, a clear mind.”  Organization (something I’ve struggled with forever) helps you to focus.  Cleaning and de-cluttering are forms of self-respect and self-love.  You deserve to be in a clean space, and you will feel better in it.

9) Sleep

You can exercise, drink all the water, and use all of the facial products you want, but none of these things can replace the benefits of getting adequate sleep.  Of everything that I have going in my life, my “sleep life” is the most lacking.  I am used to constantly running on E until I crash. 


I am now giving myself some grace, and am getting more sleep at night, and even getting a little crazy and taking naps.  I am rested, and I feel good.  Take some time to sleep. Appreciate that you have time rest your body.  Try to see the silver lining.   

Added bonus #10 - take a break from the news for your own peace and sanity.

If you have any suggestions for making the best of the quarantined life, I would LOVE to hear.  This is what is working for me right now, and will most likely be helpful when I start to feel stressed.  Be sure to check back next week, as I am planning to post at least once on a weekly basis! I know you can make a little time to read my random thoughts and such. 

Stay home. Stay safe!

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