6 Accountability Questions to Ask Yourself - Quarantined With Babies Week 3


April 2020

I was scrolling through my work emails this morning, and came across a pleasant surprise. Someone at work sent an email to “check in” on me and a few other people I work with. She included this list of “Daily Quarantine Questions,” and I guess we were the answer to her number 2. I appreciated the gesture. It made me stop and reflect.

Answering these questions was a therapeutic exercise for me, and I thought it relevant and appropriate to include in this mini blog series, “Quarantine With Babies.” Gratefulness, connection, adjusting expectations, going outdoors, physical activity, and creativity are important players in this quarantine life. To me, they are more so accountability questions, and gentle reminders of ways to be at peace during this time.

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These are my answers for this week. How would you answer?


  • I am grateful for life, health, and well-being. No aches and pains, no coughs and sniffles, no fatigue and depression. To simply be alive and well is a blessing today. People are critically ill, dying, and the death toll keeps rising. US coronavirus deaths are expected to peak by the middle of this month. Knowing that my family and friends are healthy, and abiding by the social distancing guidelines keeps my spirits up.

  • I am grateful for companionship. This pandemic has brought new meaning to my marriage. It is truly a comfort to have someone else to go through this with. I am learning to be more appreciative of my husband’s role in my life, and to not take his presence for granted.


  • Those still working in the public. I know a few people who still have to go to work and be exposed to the public. I am trying to make sure that I reach out just to see how they are coping with everything. They don’t have the luxury of being able to self isolate as much as I do. They’re more at risk. One of my good friends is a nurse. One of my cousins is a fire fighter. My husband still has to go to work. One of my friends is a therapist and still has to meet with clients in person. I want them to know that they’re in my thoughts, and that I acknowledge that this may be a particularly difficult and stressful time for them.

  • The children - I know that we have a lot of big problems to be worried about, but it’s worth it to check on the little ones. Bella’s really missing school right now. She misses her friends and her teachers. She keeps asking to go back. She misses her grandparents. Sunday, she asked to go see them. We drove to their house, and sat in the car, while my parents waved from outside. Doors closed, and windows up. It’s been kind of hard to explain to a 5 year old all that’s going on. She doesn’t understand why she can’t accompany me to the grocery store any more. The absence of seemingly trivial pleasures are creating voids in our kids’ young lives. Check in on them.



  • Joshua’s first birthday - I love to entertain, and throw parties. I had envisioned a big birthday party to celebrate Joshua’s first. Family and friends, and lots of finger foods. I had been researching venues, and getting quotes. Let’s be real, the first birthday party would be less about Joshua’s entertainment, and more about me showcasing my pride and joy, his growth, his lovable personality, and getting all the photos. But life happened, so there’s no need to go into overdrive planning. It will just be the 4 of us, and that is OK. We won’t celebrate the “normal” way, but we will still celebrate, and it will be special. I’m letting go of the idea that I always have to “go hard or go home.” Simplicity works too.

  • Beauty upkeep - I had to cancel my hair appointment that was scheduled last week. Within 2 weeks, my eyebrows (and the rest of my face) will be begging and pleading for a wax. Let’s not even talk about my nails. Lash installs? Nope. Instagram will be seeing a more natural Angela, and you know what, that’s also OK. I’m letting go of trying to be a beauty queen in every photo I take. This will force me to either learn how to do certain things for myself, or to just adapt to a different look. Natural beauty is a thing. Embrace it.


  • Going for daily walks - Some days I just don’t feel like it, but the kids help motivate me to get outdoors. Joshua loves going out for a stroll. Bella likes riding her scooter. A quick walk around the neighborhood does us a lot of good.

  • Hanging out on the deck - I’ve been hanging out on the deck a lot. Watching Bella drive her car in the grass. Carrying Joshua around, and letting the sun hit our faces. If I’m lucky, I will convince my husband to fire up the grill, and maybe we can eat outside too.


I don’t know! Aside from taking walks with my family, I have been SO inactive.

This question makes me feel a little guilty, because I hate that I haven’t been working out lately. Before quarantine, I had really got into a groove with working out consistently. Making it to the gym 3-4 days a week, and using the treadmill desks while at work. I’m not a big fan of home workouts, but I need to get into it. I have weights, and there are plenty of online videos that I can use. I just have to find the motivation. Maybe if I keep asking myself this question on a daily basis, it’ll be the push I need to stay accountable.


I’m taking photos with my DSLR

I’ve been wanting to get more into photography. No, I’m not trying to be a photographer! I just want to be able to take more memorable photos of my family, and post higher quality photos on my social media, especially the blog. Have you noticed better photos lately? Don’t answer that. lol

Sunday, I had my family get dressed to take photos outside. As soon as we went outside, it started raining. We did get a couple of nice shots of me and baby boy though. I told my husband that I want more photos of me with my kids. It’s so easy for parents to take hundreds of pictures of their kids, but never have many photos together. I want more family pics. That’s the beauty I’m creating, and hopefully these photos will adorn the walls of my house one day. Quarantine 2020 photo album in the making?


I’ve been enjoying sharing my experience with you guys. I hope my mini blog series (hopefully mini) on quarantine life (week 1, week 2) brings some light to your day! I’d love to know how you guys are coping. Challenge yourself to answer these questions, and see what takeaways you come up with.

Stay safe. Stay home. Wash yo hands!

Mrs. NComment